Illustrated Airplane

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Can I unsubscribe from your emails?

Absolutely. We understand the demands placed on the modern inbox and we respect your time enough not to inundate you with superfluous communiqués.

We send emails of various types for a number of purposes. You are able to unsubscribe from many of these by accessing your email preferences in your account profile; it’s just a few steps.

Step 1

Head over to your settings page and click on the “Email Preferences” tab.

Step 2

Select which emails you’d like to stop receiving by clicking the checkboxes next to each one. Unsure of which emails you’d like to keep receiving? Check out this description of what each option entails.

Step 3

Once you finish making your selections, be sure to click on the “Save Preferences” button.

And you’re done. Fine work!

If you do decide to unsubscribe from all three options you’ll still get account and order related emails, such as those sent when an order is on its way or in the event we have an issue with a payment method, etc.

Last Updated Apr. 4, 2022