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Are you looking for Blue Bottle Coffee cans, cartons, or whole bean bags?

If you don't live near one of our cafes, the best place to find our cans and cartons is your local Whole Foods. If you live in Northern California, your local Costco may also carry our cans and cartons as well. 

If you're looking for our Bright, Bold, Balanced, or Espresso whole bean bags they can be found at Amazon, Target, or Walmart. 

We're not able to ship our cold brew cans and cartons directly to you yet. If you want to make a one-time order, we recommend contacting your nearest retailer. 

If you're interested in a recurring or wholesale order of these items, our Consumer Packaged Goods Team is the best contact. They can be reached at

For all of these retailers, we recommend giving them a call to see if they stock these items before heading over. 

Last Updated Mar. 15, 2022